Registration open for the BEECH program at the Dotsero Mobile Home Park

Income-qualified renters and homeowners can sign up to receive free weatherization and electrification upgrades to their home through the BEECH program.
Eagle County/Courtesy Photo

The Eagle County Beneficial Home Electrification, known as the BEECH Program, is hosting an open registration event for households looking to increase the energy efficiency of their homes.

This Saturday, October 1, program and MIRA Bus representatives will be at the Dotsero Mobile Home Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to answer questions about the program and allow people to register for services onsite. Spanish speaking representatives will also be on hand to provide translation services.

The BEECH program provides free weatherization and electrification services to qualified tenants and homeowners to help increase home energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Services include outfitting homes with state-of-the-art air-source heat pump heating and cooling systems, all-electric induction cookers, heat pump water heaters and air conditioning upgrades. indoor air quality.

BEECH also performs an energy audit of the space to identify ways to improve energy efficiency, such as improving insulation and airtightness. The improvements typically result in an annual deduction of $600 in heating costs and a reduction of more than six tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.

Those interested in applying for the BEECH program can attend the in-person registration event on Saturday or contact the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments at 970-315-1339 and

Casey J. Nelson