Mobile Devs Promises Patch For Legendary PPSh-41 Skin

The newest SMG in the game, the PPSh-41, had some teething issues with its legendary weapon blueprint. Fortunately, the developers are aware of the problem and are working to fix it.

Call of Duty: Mobile Season 1 launched earlier this week and it’s fair to say that the update has been well received.

The Alcatraz battle royale map has been brought back. There’s a new Battle Pass and a new Ranked Series to grind out, giving players plenty to do.

There was also the addition of two fan favorite weapons from the franchise – the PPSh-41 and the Kilo 141.

Fixed PPSh-41 Emberwing


Kilo 141 is not yet available, it will arrive soon via a seasonal challenge. But the PPSh-41 submachine gun is, and it has already proven itself, a popular weapon.

There is a problem however. Many players are reporting that the Second Chance Draw skin for the PPSh-41, called Emberwing, is buggy and now the devs have responded.

PPSh-41 – Emberwing Skin Broken – Developers promise to fix

When the PPSh-41 was added to the game at the start of Season 1, the iconic SMG arrived with two legendary weapon blueprints.

One was the level 50 reward in the content-rich Battle Pass. The other is available through the latest Second Chance Draw, packaged with a skin for the Shorty and the Operator, Ether.

As you probably know, these skins can be quite expensive. So it’s no surprise that gamers expect them to a) look good and b) perform as intended.

And while the fire-infused PPSh-41 Emberwing looks the part, players are reporting it’s down.

PPSh-41 emberwing buggy broken glitched


A post on the COD: Mobile subreddit exposes the problem. When ADSing with the PPSh-41 Emberwing, the textures issue causes the player’s vision to become completely obscured.

This obviously makes shooting quite difficult…

At the time of writing, the post has 318 upvotes, a sure sign that the poster is not alone with this problem.

Fortunately, the devs were quick to respond, saying the team is currently investigating the issue and hope to “get a fix as soon as possible.”

So if you were lucky in the raffle but weren’t lucky with the prize, you can at least rest assured that the developers are working to fix the problem.

Emberwing patch is coming “as soon as possible”

When exactly this happens is not yet clear. COD: Mobile had many issues with both free and paid skins.

If you haven’t tried to get the legendary skin yet, we suggest you wait for a patch. Once it has been confirmed try to recover it, till then save your PC.

However, all is not gloomy for the PPSh-41! The gun performs phenomenally, especially with the best loadout and attachments.

In fact, it’s so well done that it’s quickly become our best weapon in COD: Mobile, check out our other picks for dominating the battlefield.

It’s also the perfect gun for Alcatraz. The BR map is back – and there are plenty of cosmetic rewards to earn in the Return to Alcatraz event!

Casey J. Nelson